Thesis statement


I've decided to throw my hat into the fray, and begin blogging. A year or two ago, I didn't have a clue what a blog was, nor a blogger. So now I will try my hand at this game, although I make no promises as to how regularly I will post. Come to think of it, if I was a betting man I would say this blog will end up like 90% of those that are created - someone gets excited and spits out a bunch of posts, which slows to a trickle, and then completely stop after about a month. But let us hope that isn't the case.

I guess there isn't a real aim to this blog, other than to spout whatever nonsense comes to mind. Some potential topics of discussion include, but aren't limited to, the following: Music, The Beatles (two very different things), disc golf, maps and their usage, sports, outdoor activities, evening wear, evening wear?, evening wear!, and so forth. Is the excitement settling in? Good, good.


Ric said...

I think you accomplished what you set out to in your inaugural post, by not following up with another. AT ALL.